About Me

Welcome to my personal webpage. This is the space where I rant, accumulate notes on various topics that interest me and log the things I do. In general, this place is where I regain a sense of personal joy from the collection of walled gardens that is becoming internet.
I’ve been a scientist, a Big Data developer (Teralco/Devcenter) and more recently a Data Engineer (Opentrends). For the last years my stack has been Python, SQL, Pyspark in AWS Cloud environments, but also enjoy and have worked with R and command-line utilities/Bash, mostly for bioinformatic tools.
About the PhD bit: In 2021 I earned a degree in Cognitive Science and Language as part of the Cognitive Biology of Language group, led by Cedric Boeckx (University of Barcelona). I studied the evolution of the Homo sapiens cognitive profile relative to other human species (Neanderthals, Denisovans), from genotype to expression data to phenotype - or at least that was the ambition. Nowadays I barely keep up with the field, to be honest, though I still love to hear about it from time to time.
Came here to see my CV? I keep a generic one around, but feel free to drop me a mail at: sanyi[dot]personal [at] Google’s mail service.com. Just mention you have seen this website and we can talk.
Apart from the professional stuff, in my free time I like to play bass - not playing much lately though. I try to expose myself to different music every day, with uneven success. You can see how that is going here.
At other levels, I enjoy: running, wikipedia rabbit holes, mate, dogs, raw liquorice, sci-fi, caving and climbing, ecology and philosophy, rpgs (virtual and pen-and-paper kinds), cooking. I collaborated for a while in climate change activism, for example.
Blogposts, log & wiki
I log several of my activities as a form of self-accountability. Here’s why.
From time to time I like to write posts about my former research field, technical tips and courses. I don’t add many these days, rather preferring to expand my personal wiki instead, but occasionally more fully formed posts still might end up there.
What’s new?
Just resuscitated this webpage. Working on improving it overall, and slowly.
You can see the historic of these status posts here
Disclosure:* I don’t collect visitor data, and use no LLM assistance (ChatGPT or else), except when explicitely disclosed. All content here is purely human, personal and mine. Welcome!