Day 3

The input looks like this:


The problem is dividing the string evenly, then searching for common characters, then doing a sum of points (1-26 for lowercase letters, 27-52 for uppercase).

This one was easy, I took awk and… nah, kidding, I used python, like a sane person would. Here’s my solution for part 1:

# read input, clean
with open("input.txt") as file:
    input = file.readlines()
input = [line.strip('\n') for line in input]

# divide in two sacks (ns1, ns2), find common characters, append to a list
common_chars = []
for i in input:
    ns1= i[0:len(i)//2]
    ns2= i[len(i)//2:len(i)]
    common = list(set(ns1)&set(ns2))

# some ASCII conversion and some adjusting for uppercase
priorities = [ord(l.swapcase())-64 for l in common_chars]
priorities = [d-6 if d>26 else d for d in priorities]

(PS: I was playing around with ChatGPT’s open beta and fed it the for loop above to improve it, and after some gentle prompting it replied with the following working oneliner that doesn’t use sets:)

common_chars = [next((char for char in i[0:len(i)//2] if char in i[len(i)//2:len(i)]), "") for i in input]

Anyway: part two of the puzzle swaps the problem from row based to column-based (in groups of three). So:

# generates list of lists in chunks of 3
# then finds common characters between each of the 3 lists
grouped = [input[i:i+3] for i in range(0, len(input), 3)]
common_chars = []
for i in grouped:
    common_chars.append(list(set(i[0]) & set(i[1]) & set(i[2]))[0])

# same as before
priorities = [ord(l.swapcase())-64 for l in common_chars]
priorities = [d-6 if d>26 else d for d in priorities]

And that’s it!