The characteristics of tech work make it no different from other jobs
As IT workers, I believe we tend to think that our job is special. We, after all, design, maintain and run machines that run tasks for us. Let’s take a step back and think about what is special about working as a developer relative to other jobs, particularly from the perspective of salaried employees.
We have a certain ammount of freedom of design. While the goals are business-driven, we usually have certain leverage on the specific details of an architecture. I think much of what drives passion over the job of developer is this relative freedom to tinker and explore a relative problem space. It’s why we hate micromanagement, or maintaining a god-forsaken codebase frozen in time in Cobol, or why many lone entrepreneurs get caught on adding features to a tool instead of setting constraining, boring business goals.
In Hegelian terms, a developer crafts their pride as a worker (a code artisan
) in terms of (self-)recognition as an expert in navigating this freedom of design effortlessly, in a manner most efficient, mantainable and clean. That is: a pride on their ethic of concrete labor.
Compare this with a work with cotton-spinning machines in XVII/XIXth-century England. As a employee, the machine’s design is given and work at optimizing is separated from actual use. The employee hired to do work at one of such machines would receive a wage for performing a series of mostly determined movements that allow the machine to function. A modern worker at a factory doesn’t diverge much from this, except for potentially having more degrees of freedom within the design complexity of a modern industrial setting.
Funnily, this characteristic compares worse to other professions: teachers
, researchers
, lawyers
, doctors
or other liberal professsions posses also (in principle) degrees of freedom - though they are not always able to do design work ex-nihilo.
By the way, another characteristic of this same freedom is what causes the dreaded meetings everyone loves to hate in IT: the ammount of uncertainty means that in order to align a technological solution to a business case one has to have a clear idea of the needs of a corporation. This is no different, in a certain sense, from factory work, where there are chains of job interdependence, complex information networks and work management needed to coordinate all of it.
Here’s another characteristic of IT work: scale. It should come to no surprise that the reason IT work is booming is because the work of a developer allows for higher returns than that of a manual operator, at least as long as technology has a place in the solution.
In purely Marxist terms, a worker is hired to exchange their time doing tasks for salary. An IT worker, however, can write code to do work for them.
Other stray thought around tech work
Mostly extracted from The double shift
(Jason Read’s book on the Politics of work in Marx & Spinoza).
- Interview processes with many steps are designed to weed out the mercenary and cynic - that is, the no-BS-attitued workers. That’s how you sell that working somewhere is “a privilege” and you are “doing good” (you most likely aren’t).
- In that same vein, the best worker is also the best consumer (see the case of Apple workers consuming their products).
- Most tech work is not intellectual: it’s service work, ie, emotional work. Part of maintaining code or a tech infraestructure involves keeping the client and/or the manager happy, including adding those features that they deem better (even if they are not necessarily the best ones). Meetings, KPIs and reports play a similar role.
- Low wages are used to force workers with no familiar obligations/other expensive commitements.