Why log?

Dates in arvelie format

This log includes some stats on grade completion, lessons learned and a rough hour estimate.


[Plenty other instances I didn’t record…]

02A08 - 1h (class). Lots of cool problems!

02A03 - 1h (class). First class of the year. Nothing of note, but it was fun.


01Z02 - 1h (class). We focused a lot on putting tension to the feet: it does feel weird at first, but by the end we tried an overhang that was made substantially more easy by just a) learning to properly transfer weight in dynamic moves and b) keeping mindful of feet tension.

01Y12 - 3h. Went climbing with some friends to La Gatera, a fun boulder place in Murcia. The problems are kind of harder than in my usual place, so it was interesting. I struggled mostly with overhangs, as usual.

01Y11 - 1h (class). Variations on the previous routes.

01Y09- 1h (class). We did mostly green routes, so kind of easy. I was also destroyed by the rock climbing a couple days before.

01Y07 - 4h. Went sport climbing on rock! To the Pasarela sector next of the press, where we did a couple IVs and a V. Again, really fun.

01Y05 - 3h. Tried a bunch of routes, with a healthy mix of overhang and vertical ones.

01Y02 - 1h (class). I tried a bunch of new “easy” routes, but I was so utterly destroyed that I barely could finish any. Too many days in a row.

01Y01 - Whole morning. Second time climbing in rock. I half-assed Fisura de la sinfonía (V+) and Espolón de la sinfonía (IV). Rock climbing is very different from bouldering! I learned a bunch of stuff

01Y00 - Whole morning. First time climbing in rock!! Second day of three of an initiation course in sport climbing. We did the El Valle sector, here in Murcia. I didn’t quite catch the names of the routes.

01X12 - 1h. No class today, but went climbing anyway. Finished some overhangs but other than that not much.

01X10 - 2h. Covid got in the way, so last week I barely could climb, and I missed a couple classes. Looking forward to recovering though. I did some overhang and a couple new routes that proved slightly more challenging than I expected.

01X03 - 2h. Went to the climbing gym accompanying a friend. I completed an overhang easy route that I couldn’t before (yay!), tried a couple times another and tried to refine those that I hadn’t managed to finish in the last class.

01X02 - 1h (class). We focused on variations of the path we did at the end of the last class, plus some mild slab. Learned about footing and weight placement, basically.

01X00 - 3h. I went to Barcelona’s Kimera climbing gym! I wanted to do some rope training but I couldn’t. Luckily, there are dozens of boulder problems so I stayed there for hours. I stayed around the mid mark (4 out of 8 in increasing difficulty), with 3 (6a/5?) being a bit too easy for me. They had great tracks for absolute beginners though. I also enjoyed some of the joker tracks, where you have to set the difficulty yourself. I missed not going to Sharma or La Foixarda in the end, but the travel to Barcelona was quick. Anyway, I would recomend visiting.

01W11 - 1h (class). We worked on a slab path that was quite similar to another we did back in the day. The second one was a green/easy one, and subsequent adaptations.

01W09 - 1h (class). Mostly consolidation of footwork and dynamic routes. I completed the overhang dynamic one, which was nice, but not the footwork one. On the other hand I got the beta for a blue (mild difficulty) route.

01W04 - 1h (class). I learned a couple tips: always grip/clamp instead of working with an extended hand, underusing the force of the thumb. The thumb, when used, should be slightly arched to achieve tension. I also was shown a couple dynamic moves: they mostly involve having good feet, swinging to feel the center of gravity change towards the objective, adding momentum. Also: clamping has the advantage that you can easily catch good andholds and match more easily than just in extension.

01W03 - 2h. When to try some stuff out, but I was kind of sore already so I didn’t finish much.

01W02 - 1h (class). Can’t recall what we did.

01V11 - 1h (class).

01V10 - 2h. I did mostly overhang, trying some hip twisting to reach things that I would normally do dynamically through sheer force.

01V09 - 1h (class). Mostly worked in vertical, along with a slab one. Most of the challenges involved doing things as cleanly as possible, or thinking of feet sequences.